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Sami Yusuf
20 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - Shollallahu 'Ala Toha Cover by ESBEYE

Original Song "Sami Yusuf - Shollallahu 'Ala Toha"


Ex. Producer : Ayus

Vocal : @alma_esbeye
Keyboard : @rezha_asyathiri
Biola : @dedie_bindoll
Nay : @habibi_habsyi
Tabla : @kahfikhan
Saz & Qanun : @sazqa_official

Backing Vokal :

Audio by Oum Music
Music Produced & Arranged by Yeru
Mixing & Mastering by @yu_yeru

Video by Oum Picture
Campers :
Ass.Cam : Ainul,Iqbal & Aal
Editor : Pras


Translate by @taufiqakbar74

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Sami Yusuf
33 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - The Praised One ﷺ
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Inspired by the evocative sound of flamenco ‘The Praised One’ is Sami Yusuf’s ethereal rendition of Qasidah Muhammadiyyah, a love poem for the Prophet by the 13th century Sufi poet Imam Busiri, author of one of the world’s most famous poems ‘The Burda’. It has been said from his day to ours that the writings of Imam Busiri have a healing power, and their recitation is widespread across many regions.
From its intensely emotional intro to the sustained energy of the outro, the composer fuses traditional instruments of the Silk Road with contemporary sounds. Sami Yusuf plays tar, rabab and frame drums for this fully acoustic performance that moves from meditative vocals to the complexity of flamenco rhythms with classical guitar performed by Jon Lawton. The music is both intimate and exhilarating, reflecting the multi-faceted and luminous spirit of the Prophet expressed in this beautiful poem.

Performed, Composed & Arranged by Sami Yusuf
Words: Imam Al-Busiri
Classical guitar performed by Jon Lawton
English Translation by Dr Yousef Casewit
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Additional Recording Studios:
Crosstown Studio (Liverpool, UK)

Executive Producer: Sami Yusuf
DOP: Binu Pallickal
Video Editing & Post Production by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios
Colour Grading @ Elements Cine Productions

Special thanks to:
Elouafi Mohammed
Dr. Yousef Casewit
RIS Convention

Sami Yusuf
21 Views · 1 year ago

Baraa Masoud ft Mohammad Bashir mengcover Healing dari Sami Yusuf

Tags :
محمد بشير
برا مسعود
Sami Yusuf
Baraa Masoud
Mohammad Bashir
Cover lagu
Baraa Masoud terbaru
Mohammad Bashir terbaru
Lirik lagu
Lirik dan terjemahannya

Sami Yusuf
22 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - Drier Land (Turkish Version)

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Edited by Mustafa Muhammad

Music by Sami Yusuf
Turkish words by Ibrahim Tut
English words by Will Knox

Vakit bir akşam
Halim perişan
Şarkılarda gam
Gözlerimde kan

Ruhumu saran
Bitmeyen tufan
Hasretinle bu
Dünya bir zindan
Olsa da hükmün
Hakkımda idam
Vazgeçmem inan

Sığındığım liman
Gönlümde iman
Karanlık dünyada
Işığım Kuran
Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Senden

I am driftwood now
I am homeward bound
Pull me from the sea
Save what’s left of me

Kurtar kederden
Yoruldum dertten
Kanayan yarama
Sensin tek merhem
Vazgeçmem Senden

So forgive my wrongs

All copyrights go to their respective owners.

Sami Yusuf
23 Views · 1 year ago

Subscribe to Nasheed Star to watch the TOP Nasheeds ever!
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Sami Yusuf
22 Views · 1 year ago

ortak bi çalışma.. :):)

Sami Yusuf
20 Views · 1 year ago


"Kıyamet günü bana insanların en yakını, bana en çok salâvat okuyandır."

"Kim bana salâvat okumayı unutursa, cennetin yolunu terketmiş olur."

"Bana salâvat okuyan bir mü'min yoktur ki ona melekler rahmet duası etmemiş olsun. Bu, bana salâvat okuduğu müddetçe devam eder. Öyleyse kul bunu, ister az ister çok yapsın!"

“Kim bana salâvat okumayı unutursa, ona cennetin yolu unutturulur.”

"Gerçek cimri, yanında zikrim geçtiği halde bana salâvat okumayandır."

"Cuma günü bana salâvatı çok okuyun. Çünkü o gün okunan salâvatlar meşhuddur, melekler ona şahidlik ederler. Bana salâvat okuyan hiç kimse yoktur ki, o daha okumasını bitirmeden salâvatı bana ulaştırılmamış olsun." Bunun üzerine dedim ki: "Siz öldükten sonra da mı?" "Evet , öldükten sonra da. Zira Cenab-ı Hak Hazretleri toprağa, peygamberlerin cesedini çürütmeyi haram etmiştir. Allah'ın Peygamber’i her zaman diridir, rızka mazhardır."

"Bana salâtınız sizin için zekattır.”

“Yanında ben zikrolunduğum zaman üzerime salât etmiyen kişinin burnu yere sürtülsün.”

“Kim bana bir kere salât ederse; Allah Teala ona on salât eder, on günahını siler, on kat derecesini artırır.”

“Kim bana bir salâvat getirirse Allah Teala bu yüzden o kimseye on misli mağfiret eder.”

"Kim bana (bir kere) salât okursa Allah da ona on salât okur ve on günahını affeder, (mertebesini) on derece yükseltir." Yine Nesâî'de Ebû Talha (ra)'dan gelen bir rivâyet şöyle: "Bir gün Rasulullah (sav), yüzünde bir sevinç olduğu halde geldi. Kendisine: "Yüzünüzde bir sevinç görüyoruz!" dedik. "Bana melek geldi ve şu müjdeyi verdi: "Ey Muhammed! Rabbin diyor ki: "Sana salâvat okuyan herkese benim on rahmette bulunmam, selâm okuyan herkese de benim on selâm okumam sana (ikram olarak) yetmez mi?"

“Yanında ben zikrolunduğum zaman bana salât etmeyen ateşe girer.”

“Allah Teâlâ benim için iki melek görevlendirmiştir. Ben bir Müslümanın yanında anıldım da bana salâvat getirdi mi, mutlaka o iki melek ona 'Allah seni bağışlasın.' derler. Allah Teâlâ ve diğer melekleri de o iki meleğe cevap olarak 'Amin' derler. Bir Müslümanın yanında adım zikrolunduğunda da bana salâvat getirmedi mi, mutlaka o iki melek: 'Allah seni bağışlamasın.' derler. Yüce Allah ve öteki melekleri de o iki meleğe cevaben 'Amin' derler.”

“Kıyamet gününde bana halkın en yakın olanları ve şefaatime hak kazananları, bana en çok salâvat getirenleridir.”

Ravi: Evs İbnu Evs: “Rasulullah (sav) buyurdular ki: "Cum'a, en hayırlı günlerinizden biridir. Hz. Adem aleyhisselâm(ıntoprağı) o gün yaratıldı, o gün kabzedildi. (Kıyamette Sur'a) o gün üflenecek, sayha da o günde olacak. Öyleyse o gün bana salâvatı çok okuyun. Zira salâvatlarınız bana arzedilir." Orada bulunanlar: "Salâvatlarımız size nasıl arzedilir? Siz çürümüş olacaksınız!" dediler. Aleyhissalâtu vesselâm: "Allah Teala Hazretleri, Arz'a peygamberlerin cesetlerini yemeyi haram kıldı." buyurdular.”

"Yeryüzünde Allah'ın seyyah melekleri vardır. Onlar ümmetimin selâmını (anında) bana tebliğ ederler."

Ravi: Ebû Mes'ud el Bedri: Biz Sa'd İbnu Ubade'nin meclisinde otururken Rasulullah (asv) yanımıza geldi. Kendisine, Beşir İbnu Sa'd: "Ey Allah'ın Resulü! Bize Allah Teala Hazretleri, sana salât okumamızı emretti. Sana nasıl salât okuyabiliriz?" diye sordu. Efendimiz (asv) şu cevab verdi:

"Şöyle söyleyin "Allahümme salli ala Muhammed’in ve ala al-i Muhammed, kema salleyte ala İbrahime ve barik ala Muhammed’in ve ala al-i Muhammed’in kema barekte ala al-i İbrahime inneke hamidun mecid. (Allah'ım! Muhammed'e ve Muhammed'in aline rahmet kıl tıpkı İbrahim'e rahmet kıldığın gibi. Muhammed'i ve Muhammed'in alini mübarek kıl. Tıpkı İbrahim'in alini mübarek kıldığın gibi." (Rasulullah ilaveten şunu söyledi): "Selâm da bildiğiniz gibi olacak"

[Tirmizî dışındaki Kütüb-i Sitte kitaplarında, Ebû Humeyd es-Saidi (ra)'den gelen bir rivâyet şöyle: "Ashab sordu: "Ey Allah'ın Resulü sana nasıl salât okuyalım?" Rasulullah (asv):

"Şöyle söyleyin," dedi: "Allahümme salli ala Muhammed’in ve ala ezvacihi ve zürriyyetihi kema salleyte ala İbrahime ve barik ala Muhammed’in ve ala ezvacihi ve zürriyyetihi kema barekte ala İbrahime inneke hamidun mecid. (Allah’ım! Muhammed'i zevcelerine ve zürriyetine rahmet kıl, tıpkı İbrahim'e rahmet kıldığın gibi, Muhammed'i zevcelerini ve zürriyetini mübarek kıl, tıpkı İbrahim'i mübarek kıldığın gibi. Sen övülmeye layıksın? şerefi yücesin)."

Ka'b İbnu Ucre'den gelen bir rivâyet de şöyle: "Rasulullah (sav) yanımıza gelmişti: "Ey Allah'ın Resulü, sana nasıl selâm vereceğimizi öğrendik. Ama, sana nasıl salât okuyacağız (bilmiyoruz)?" dedik. "Şöyle söyleyin!" dedi: "Allahümme salli ala Muhammed'in ve ala al-i Muhammed’in kema salleyte ala İbrahime inneke hamidun mecid, Allahümme barik ala Muhammed’in ve ala al-i Muhammed, kema barekte ala ali İbrahime inneke hamidun mecid."

“Şüphesiz ki, benim üzerime salâvat getiren kimsenin selâmını almak için Allah bana ruhumu iade eder.”


Sami Yusuf
25 Views · 1 year ago

#samiyusuf #hamaziyya #sami


‘Hamziyya’ is a multi-layered piece that brings together music inspired by an Algerian mystical chant with a melody suggestive of the English folk tradition. In the interweaving of these musical expressions the listener can hear how traditional music is always in harmony, never dissonant. ‘Hamziyya’ was initially released on Sami Yusuf’s album Barakah, but this is a completely new arrangement with a never-before-heard Taqsīm composition in the Intro.
The Intro was performed for the first time at the 2019 Fes Festival of Sacred Music. In it each solo instrument explores a unique maqam or musical mode: Sīkah (qanun), Bayāti (bağlama), Rāst (ney), Hījāz (oud), and eventually returning to Rāst. Each of these modes is known to have a distinct emotional effect on the listener. Here the transitions from one mode to another are arranged to evoke various stages of an inner journey.
The lyrics come from portions of the thousand-verse Hamziyya (poem rhyming in hamza) by the renowned Palestinian scholar Yusuf Nabhani (d. 1932). Because it describes the Prophet’s life and character, it’s frequently recited during Mawlid celebrations of the Prophet’s (pbuh) birthday.


Music Composed and Arranged by Sami Yusuf
(Refrain based on a mystical Algerian chant)
Words by Yusuf Nabhani

English translation by T J Winter
Additional translation by Yousef Casewit and Saad Ansari

FOH & Recording Engineer: Sachin Savio
Monitor Engineer: Diego Biagioni

Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video Editing & Postproduction by Omar Al-Balushi @ Andante Studios

PERFORMERS (From right to left):

Seyyed Mohammad Jaberi: daf, bendir & vocals
Ömer Avci: bendir, tef, kudum & vocals
Onur Cicin: qanun
Sezgin Yaman: oud
Emre Kayacan: kemanche
Hasan Kirkisoglu: ney
Mahyar Toreihi: santoor
Hüseyin Can Pala: bağlama


Sami Yusuf

Special thanks to Ismail Boujia & his group for joining as guest vocalists (From right to left):

Mostafa El Lachkar
Ismail Boujia
Elouafi Mohammed
Hamza Idrissi
Mohammed El Alami
Abderrazak Idrissi


Sami Yusuf’s latest album ‘Live at the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music’ was born of his desire to translate for a global audience the rich musical language of cultures stretching from Andalusia, North Africa, and Arabia to Turkey and beyond. His desire is realised here: the music is refined, and whether meditative or ecstatic, it is all connected by remarkable emotional depth of expression. In its melodic Arabic love songs, its rhythmic chants of North African Sufi lodges, its trance-like Turkish ilahis of the whirling dervishes – this is the visionary work of a composer and performer at the top of his game. Directing an international ensemble of master instrumentalists on traditional acoustic instruments – Bağlama, santur, qanun, kemanche, ney and more – and joined by a renowned Moroccan vocal group, in this 16-track album Sami Yusuf delivers all the magic of the live performance that held his Fes audience spellbound.

2019 was Sami’s second time headlining this prestigious festival, the first time was 2009, joining the ranks of earlier headliners such as Ravi Shankar, Paco de Lucia, Youssou N’Dour, Joan Baez, Björk and Ben Harper.

Published by Andante Records & Administered by Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd for the World

Copyright of Andante Records. All Rights Reserved.

Sami Yusuf
24 Views · 1 year ago

Lagu ini rekomendasi banget, walupun lagu ini sudah lama tapi dengan makna yang dalam dan instrumen yang indah lagu ini the best banget.
please! dengerin ini sampai habis....

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Lagu : Forgotten Promises
Artis : Sami Yusuf
Album : Salaam
song org :

"Lirik dan Terjemahan"

Tonight the world will sleep
Malam ini dunia akan tertidur

But hunger will not wait
Namun kelaparan tidak akan menunggu

For promises we made
Untuk janji yang kita buat

We share one soul
Kita berbagi satu jiwa

We share one land
Kita berbagi satu daratan

We have one time to understand
Kita hanya memiliki satu kali untuk memahami

We are one humankind
Kita adalah satu umat manusia

Brothers side by side
Bersaudara bergandengan

We'll have no regret
Kita tak menyesal

We will not forget
Kita tak akan pernah lupa

We are one humankind
Kita adalah satu umat manusia

Sisters side by side
Bersaudara bergandengan

We'll have no regret
Kita tak menyesal

We will not forget
Kita tak akan lupa

Samihna ya allah
Ampuni kami ya Tuhan

Wa irrhamna ya rabbah
Belas kasihani kami Ya Allah

Wa imnah rizqaka lil-afwah
Berikan karuniamu kepada mulut-mulut mereka

Wa abi'd anha kul al-aah
Dan jauhkan dari mereka segala keluh kesah dan rintihan

Our words must count
Kata-kata kita pasti dipertimbangkan

But hunger will not wait
Namun kelaparan tidak akan menunggu

For promises we made
Untuk janji yang kita buat

We share one soul
Kita berbagi satu jiwa

We share one land
Kita berbagi satu daratan

We have one time to understand
Kita hanya memiliki satu kali untuk memahami

We are one humankind
Kita adalah satu umat manusia

Brothers side by side
Bersaudara bergandengan

We'll have no regret
Kita tak menyesal

We will not forget
Kita tak akan pernah lupa

We are one humankind
Kita adalah satu umat manusia

Sisters side by side
Bersaudara bergandengan

We'll have no regret
Kita tak menyesal

We will not forget
Kita tak akan lupa

Samihna ya allah
Ampuni kami ya Tuhan

Wa irrhamna ya rabbah
Belas kasihani kami Ya Allah

Wa imnah rizqaka lil-afwah
Berikan karuniamu kepada mulut-mulut mereka

Wa abi'd anha kul al-aah
Dan jauhkan dari mereka segala keluh kesah dan rintihan

Our words must count
Kata-kata kita pasti dipertimbangkan

But hunger will not wait
Namun kelaparan tidak akan menunggu

For promises we made
Untuk janji yang kita buat

Sami Yusuf
26 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf: My Ummah Album 2005


Lan nakhdha’
(We will never submit)
Lan narhal
(We will never leave)
Lan naskut
(We will never be silenced)
Lan nansa
(We will never forget)

Sami Yusuf
22 Views · 1 year ago


Sami Yusuf
25 Views · 1 year ago

Follow Sami Yusuf on:


Maqām: Muhayyer Kürdi
Commentary: This piece was composed by a renowned 17th century Ottoman Polish scholar and musician, Wojciech Bobowski (1610- 1675) who embraced Islam and adopted the name Ali Ufki Bey. Sultan Murad IV (r. 1623-1640) employed Ali Ufki in his court as a language interpreter and musical composer. He assembled hundreds of classical Ottoman songs and applied Western staff notations to them for the first time in a work entitled Majmuah-e Saz u Soz (Anthology of Instrumental and Vocal Music).
The lyrics for this particular song, which are ascribed to sultan Murad III (1546-1595), express the poet’s remorse for having slept through the dawn prayer.
The first line of the poem reads, “Wake from your heedlessness O my eyes awake!”

*The musical portion preceding the Turkish verse is a new section composed by Sami Yusuf


Music by Ali Ufki
Words by Sultan Murad III
English translation by Dr. Tim Winter (Abdal Hakim Murad)
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Turkish Tanbur performed by Adem Tosunoğlu
Ney performed by Eyüp Hamiş
Bendir, Kudum & Daf performed by Omer Avci
Qanun performed by Turgut Ozüfler
*Special thanks to Dr. Savaş Barkçin for additional backing vocals.
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
#Awake #UyanEyGözlerim #SYBarakahDeluxe #samiyusuf #spiritique #Tradition

Sami Yusuf
28 Views · 1 year ago

🏁 Sami Yusuf - Hasbi Rabbi ( Clarinet cover by Redis KALAJA )

This cover is based on the original song by Sami Yusuf " Hasbi Rabbi "
Enjoy this clarinet vibe from Redis !

🎶 Clarinet by : Redis KALAJA
🔊 Music, Arranged, Mix & Master by : Redis Kalaja
🎬 Video directed by : Leand Kalaja

copyright © KGK Production

Redis Kalaja

Leand Kalaja

KGK Production


Sami Yusuf
26 Views · 1 year ago

#IslamicMusique #TahaLive

🔊 Sami Yusuf - Taha | Live at the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music (Lyrics)

⬇️ Download/Stream "Taha (LIVE) here



Maqām: Bayātī

This completely new arrangement of ‘Taha’ was performed live at the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music in Morocco in 2019. The words are from a mystical Sufi poem by the Sudanese/Egyptian Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (d. 1979) who taught and lived at the famous al-Azhar University in Cairo. The inspiration behind the melody comes from a well-loved folk song that is famous from India to Central Asia, from the Middle East to the Balkans, and all across North Africa. In this unique interplay of musical and literary traditions, Sami Yusuf is accompanied by master instrumentalists from around the world and is joined by several backing vocalists as well as the renowned Moroccan singer Ismail Boujiya.

Taha (Lyrics)

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

خير الخلق هو الهادي
نور الكون به بادي
عمّ الناس بإرشادِ
أزكى الخلقِ و أرضاها

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

نور الله المتقدم
قبل الخلق المتعلم
بدر النور المتلثم
هادي الخلق لمولاها

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

بعد السِدرة قد سارَ
و رأى الحقَ و أنواره
وقف الروح و ما سار
إذهب وحدك يا طه

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

إرضَ إلاهي باﻵلاف
عن أهل البيت اﻷشراف
والأصحاب أولي اﻹنصاف
نالوا الخلد و سكناها

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

محمدٌ منصورٌ، صفي الله طاهر
غياث غوث نور، صلَّ الله على طه
حامد محمودٌ، اجير الله كامل
وحيدٌ هادٍ داعٍ، صلَّ الله على طه

مليحٌ لونه (محمدٌ منصورٌ)
كحيلٌ طرفه (صفي الله طاهر)
جميلٌ نعته (غياث غوث نور)
صلَّ الله على طه

قمريٌ وجهه (حامد محمودٌ)
بهيٌ شكله (اجير الله كامل)
عظيمٌ خلقه (وحيدٌ هادٍ داعٍ)
طه المُجتبىْ (صلَّ الله على طه)

رحيمٌ قلبه
صدوقٌ وعده
عميمٌ جوده
ماحن منطقى

صلاة ربي مع سلامه
على محمد زين الأسامي (صلَّ الله على طه)

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها
صلَّ الله على طه
خير الخلق و أحلاها

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Sami Yusuf
31 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - Hamziyya ( Lyric Video) uzbek & arabic + transcripts uzb uzbekcha uz
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Sami Yusuf Uzbekistan uz o'zbekistan uzbek o'zbek tashkent 2019 uzb tashkent2019 ijro jonli ozbekcha,ozbek,ozbekcha,ozbek tilida,uzbek,uzbekcha,uzbek tilida,sami yusuf uz,sami yusuf uzb,sami yusuf uzbekistan,sami yusuf 2019,sami yusuf family,sami yusuf uzbekcha,sami yusuf uzbek tilida,сами юсуфа,сами юсуфа узб,сами юсуфа узбекистан,сами юсуфа уз,узбекистан,узбекистон,узбекча,сами юсуф узбек,sami yusuf o'zbek,o'zbek,o'zbekcha,sami yusuf o'zbekchanashid, nasheed , lyric video , lyric , video ,

Sami Yusuf
29 Views · 1 year ago


Sami Yusuf
21 Views · 1 year ago

#MesutKurtis #SamiYusuf #OAllah #SalawatAlbum

Turkish Lyrics: Eşrefzâde
English Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Arrangement: Sami Yusuf
Producer: Sami Yusuf

✔Thanks for watching! Have a nice day!
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Sami Yusuf
41 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf
50 Views · 1 year ago

Hi there you beautiful people, Asalaamualikum...

Welcome back to my channel,

In this video, I'm reacting to SAMI YUSUF - Mother

song 1 - Mother (Arabic) (My Ummah)
song 2 - Mother - Sami Yusuf
song 3 - Mother

Here is the original link (without me pausing and reaction):

all credit and video originated from:

Mohammad Mukhtar Baaser -

Suggested by AwakeningRecordsLTD
Mesut Kurtis - Adnani (Vocals only) | Official Lyric Video | مسعود كُرتِس - عدناني
AwakeningRecordsLTD; UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutor - PeerMusic, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutorPerf, MINT_BMG, Abramus Digital, and 4 music rights societies

SHOUT OUT TO: (Valued Members)
** Sue Sullivan Miller **
** Sharon Stolp **
** Je Flore **
** Dana Hendricks **
** Marcio Santana **
** Poolhallshark **

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Sami Yusuf
26 Views · 1 year ago

hello everyone here's GROUNDED kARAOKE song lyrics of sami yusuf 😌🎤
★Thank you for watching!★
♥ Sorry for any mistakes ♥
★ Please Subscribe ME! :) ★
The Original:
#sami_yusuf#grounded#karaoke#lyrics#sami#One#8#shadowless#wanderer#call_my_name#سامي #كلمات

Sami Yusuf
26 Views · 1 year ago

This's a short cover for one of the compositions composed by the international artist 'Sami Yusuf' in his latest performance in Amsterdam this year, which will be released soon Insha Allah... ❤️🎶

ده عزف قصير لإحدى المقطوعات الموسيقية اللي لحنها الفنان العالمي سامي يوسف في حفله الأخير في امستردام السنة دي واللي هينزله قريب ان شاء الله... ❤️🎶

@Sami Yusuf @Cappella Amsterdam @Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest

#ziadibrahim #samiyusuf #veritas #whenpathsmeet #keyboard #cover
#زياد_إبراهيم #سامي_يوسف #كيبورد #عزف

Sami Yusuf
27 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf feat. Abida Parveen
song name Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum

Words and Music: Traditional Islamic Qawwali from the Indian Subcontinent
Additional composition by Sami Yusuf
Although the exact origins of this qawwali are unknown, it is sometimes sung to revere the 12th-century Sufi saint, Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar (or Baba Farid) of the Indian subcontinent. A direct descendant of the second caliph of Islam, ‘Umar ibn Khattab, his poetry is also included in the Guru Granth Sahib — the most sacred scripture of Sikhism. Not only are the verses of this qawwali based on his teachings, but the opening verse of the qawwali, “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum” were the last words Baba Farid uttered. It is related that on the 5th of Muharram, in the year 1266 (according to the Gregorian calendar), Baba Farid became unconscious after the ‘Isha (evening) prayer. When he regained consciousness, he inquired of those present, “Have I offered my ‘Isha prayer?” Although those present answered in the affirmative, Baba Farid replied, “Let me offer it once more for I may not get another chance.” So, he performed ablution again and offered the ‘Isha prayer a second time. Then he fell unconscious once again. On regaining consciousness, he once more performed his ablution and said the ‘Isha prayer for a third time. He uttered,“Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum” while still in prostration, and his soul left his body. That is why, for hundreds of years, this qawwali has been sung on the death anniversary of Baba Farid.

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FNS Islamics

Sami Yusuf
22 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - Barakah (Music Video)
My New Video for our brother Sami Yusuf's masterpiece 'Barakah' from 'Barakah' album.
I hope you love it!
May Allah bless you and fill your days with peace, happiness and love.
Enjoy The Barakah!

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Edited by Mustafa Muhammad

Music: Sami Yusuf
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf


Dastgāh - Maqām: Maqām Tarz with allusions to Dastgāh Shūr
Commentary: This piece, the only original composition on the album, takes as its structure the traditional maqām and dastgāh musical systems. Within this framework, the music evokes both power in its dynamic rhythms and beauty in its interwoven melodies. An echo of the Sufi samā’, the ceremony of listening and remembrance, can be heard in the resonant “Allah Hu”.

What is Islamic Music?
Authentic Islamic music is not and cannot be indifferent to either its own form or its content. It is fully conscious of its Origin and Source, which is the Truth, the One and only Reality, Allah. Whether this awareness is reflected in explicit terms that are drawn from the Qur’an or drawn in other dimensions of our human existence, it remains graceful and dignified; the form of the music itself reflects the harmonious inner spirit of its message. The intention is for the listener and the composer to be drawn back to the depths of their own being, at the heart of which is the sacred presence of the All-Compassionate. Islamic music neither settles for frivolous lyrics that corrode our minds nor empty beats that only stimulate our impulses rather than our deeper thirst for joy and for life. Music is a gift sent from heaven as a sacred trust to remind us of the Truth. Let us continue as our forefathers did in absorbing the wisdom, knowledge and unbelievable repertoire passed onto us and, with humility, ‘innovating’ with the musician’s unique God-given voice. Only then will what we create be a unique and yet nonetheless authentic and Islamic music, which ultimately brings about the remembrance of Allah — the Centre of all.

Wa’Llahu A‘lam.

Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf is a world famous British singer-songwriter, composer, and producer.

All copyrights go to their respective owners.

Sami Yusuf
25 Views · 1 year ago

Sami Yusuf - Ya Nabi يا نبي سامي يوسف( English Arabic O'zbek)
uzbek uz uzb uzbekcha
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Sami Yusuf Uzbekistan uz o'zbekistan uzbek o'zbek tashkent 2019 uzb tashkent2019 ijro jonli ozbekcha,ozbek,ozbekcha,ozbek tilida,uzbek,uzbekcha,uzbek tilida,sami yusuf uz,sami yusuf uzb,sami yusuf uzbekistan,sami yusuf 2019,sami yusuf family,sami yusuf uzbekcha,sami yusuf uzbek tilida,сами юсуфа,сами юсуфа узб,сами юсуфа узбекистан,сами юсуфа уз,узбекистан,узбекистон,узбекча,сами юсуф узбек,sami yusuf o'zbek,o'zbek,o'zbekcha,sami yusuf o'zbekcha
#samiyusuf #spritique #song #music #morocco #muslim #barakah #islam #tashkent #uzbek #uzbekistan #salam #traditions #culture #Kazakhstan
#kyrgyzstan #azerbaycan #turkiye #samiyusufuzbekistan #iran #tajikistan

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